Sistema Online de Apoio a Congressos do CBCE, XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte e IX Congresso Internacional de Ciências do Esporte

Tamanho da fonte: 
Nathalia Couto da Silva, Priscila dos Santos Bunn, Alexander Barreiros Cardoso Bomfim

Última alteração: 2021-08-24


O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a associação entre o Teste de Impulsão Horizontal (TIH) e o desempenho de tarefas operacionais de militares. Foi feita uma busca sistematizada da literatura em 10 (dez) bases de dados, resgatando 9 (nove) estudos. Os resultados demonstram que o TIH apresenta associação com o desempenho de militares em tarefas que envolvam o levantamento ou o transporte de carga em curtas distâncias.


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CARSTAIRS, G. L. et al. A box lift and place assessment is related to performance of several military manual handling tasks. Military Medicine, v. 181, n. 3, p. 258–264, 2016.

FOULIS, S. A. et al. U.S. Army Physical Demands Study: Development of the Occupational Physical Assessment Test for Combat Arms soldiers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, v. 20, p. S74–S78, 2017.

MARINS, E. et al. Aerobic fitness, upper-body strength and agility predict performance on an occupational physical ability test among police officers while wearing personal protective equipment. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, v. 59, n. 11, p. 1835–1844, 2019.

MISNER, J. E.; BOILEAU, R. A. Physical Performance and Physical Fitness of a Select Group of Female Firefighter Applicants. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research, v.3, n.3, p.62-67, 1989.

MORROW, J. et al. Medida e avaliação do desempenho humano - 2. ed - Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2003.

NEVES, E. B. Correlations between the simulated military tasks performance and physical fitness tests at high altitude. Motricidade, v. 13, n. 2, p. 12–17, 2017.

PAGE, M. J. et al. PRISMA 2020 explanation and elaboration: Updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews. The BMJ. BMJ Publishing Group, 2021.

PHILLIPS, M. et al. Pack Hike Test finishing time for Australian firefighters: Pass rates and correlates of performance. Applied Ergonomics, v. 42, n. 3, p. 411–418, 2011.

RESERACH AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION. Optimizing Operational Physical Fitness. [s.l: s.n.]. v. 323, 2009

TEIXEIRA, J. et al. Age-related influence on physical fitness and individual on-duty task performance of Portuguese male non-elite police officers. Biology of Sport, v. 36, n. 2, p. 163–170, 2019.

THOMAS, D. et al. Arresting a Struggling Subject; Does the Forthcoming Police Officers Physical Fitness have an Impact on the Outcome? The Open Sports Sciences Journal, v. 7, n. 1, p. 2–7, 2014.

UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. FM 21-20 – Basic Field Manual: Physical Training. Washington, 1941.

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